Education Services Australia (ESA) is a ministerial not-for-profit company committed to making a positive difference in the lives and learning of Australian students. ESA works with all education systems and sectors to improve student outcomes, enhance teacher impact and strengthen school communities.

ESA provides:

  • development, sharing and deployment of nationally owned technical data and assessment systems
  • digital teaching and learning resources, tools and services
  • information and communications technology services.

ESA's role:

ESA was established by education ministers on 1 March 2010 to:

  • advance key nationally agreed education initiatives, programs and projects by providing services including:
    • researching, testing and developing effective and innovative technologies and communication systems for use in education
    • devising, developing and delivering curriculum and assessment, professional development, career and information support services
    • facilitating the pooling, sharing and distribution of knowledge, resources and services to support and promote elearning
    • supporting national infrastructure to ensure access to quality-assured systems and content and interoperability between individuals, entities and systems
  • create, publish, disseminate and market curriculum and assessment materials, ICT-based solutions, products and services to support learning, teaching, leadership and administration.


Want to know more?


Education Services Australia is a ministerial company established by the Education Council. The company membership comprises all Australian ministers with responsibility for education. Find out more...

Strategic plans

The Education Services Australia strategic plan reflects current national policies and strategic directions for education and training. Find out more...

Annual reports

Annual reports are prepared each financial year and provided to education ministers. Find out more...


Join the Education Services Australia team of project managers, education and training experts and elearning and technology specialists. Our staff work collaboratively to deliver quality outcomes to the Australian, state and territory governments, education bodies, government agencies, schools and the private sector. Find out more...

Social Responsibility

Education Services Australia has a series of initiatives in place to be a socially and environmentally responsible company. Find out more...



Education Services Australia is a ministerial company established by the Education Council. The company membership comprises all Australian ministers with responsibility for education.

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Girl in school uniform with two pigtails (ribbons in each hair) playing on tablet with face scrunched in concentration.

Strategic plans

The Education Services Australia strategic plan reflects current national policies and strategic directions for education and training.

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Group of students, four blonde females in the foreground and three dark-haired students int eh background, collaborating with laptops open

Annual reports

Annual reports are prepared each financial year and provided to education ministers.

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Students watch a teacher drawing


Join the Education Services Australia team of project managers, education and training experts and elearning and technology specialists. Our staff work collaboratively to deliver quality outcomes to the Australian, state and territory governments, education bodies, government agencies, schools and the private sector.

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Two boys bent over, one in a yellow top, the other in blue, putting together a path out of plastic tubing.

Social responsibility

Education Services Australia has a series of initiatives in place to be a socially and environmentally responsible company.

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