The Digital Transformation Agency's (DTA) Policy for the responsible use of AI in government sets out the approach to ensure that government plays a leadership role in embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the benefit of Australians while ensuring its safe, ethical and responsible use, in line with community expectations. The DTA's Policy requires all Government Agencies to release an AI Transparency Statement. The Standard for AI transparency statements can be viewed here.

Education Services Australia's (ESA) AI Transparency Statement is set out below.

AI use

ESA recognises the extraordinary potential for innovation offered by AI technology and we are committed to ensuring safe, ethical and responsible use when considering the adoption of AI capabilities. ESA will be transparent as we explore, enable and integrate AI technology to benefit staff, and potentially in the future, external stakeholders.

Classification of AI use (internal)

Currently, ESA uses AI technologies for workplace productivity purposes. ESA expects that AI usage patterns will expand; in which case ESA's Transparency Statements will be updated.

Classification of use (external)

ESA does not currently use AI technology in any services or programs we provide externally.


ESA has developed an internal Policy for the safe, ethical and responsible use of AI for internal work purposes. The Policy was released in September 2024 and applies to all ESA employees, Independent Directors, volunteers and contractors.


ESA is committed to realising the benefits of using AI technology in a way that promotes fairness, accountability and transparency, while complying with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards.

Public protection

Should ESA enable public-facing AI technologies, ESA's AI Transparency Statement will be updated to advise the classification of AI use according to usage patterns and domains and the classification of use where the public may directly interact with, or be significantly impacted by, AI without a human intermediary or intervention.

In addition to this, ESA would identify ways to protect the public against any potential negative impacts.

Compliance with the Digital Transformation Agency AI Policy

ESA continues to comply with all requirements of the DTA's Policy for the responsible use of AI in government, and with Australia's AI Ethics Principles.

AI Transparency Statement review cycle

This AI Transparency Statement was first published on ESA's website in March 2025. This Statement will be reviewed annually, or sooner, should there be any significant changes to ESA's approach to AI.


Should you have any queries relating to ESA's AI Transparency Statement, please visit our contact page.